One Week Action Plan

In one week's time we shall know of Patrick's fate. We are to observe his behaviour whether he has changes such as less activeness, more fussy, his tiredness level among others. 

I decided to have an action plan for a week prior to his next week medical appointment.

1) Encourage him to laugh and smile more (to raise his quota of joy, happiness and positivity from the previous doctor appointment)

Usually it's my husband who does that. I usually make him laugh
by making up silly words, singing and with sudden silly laughter. 
2) sing more of self empowerment songs to encourage Patrick to be strong, of never giving up in face of adversity

Song Title: Never give in, never give up
Written and sung by me

Song Title: Baby Power
Sung by me
Song based upon below - The Power by Snap!

3) Encourage him to think and feel of Love.

Song Title: I love
Written and sung by me

4) maybe have a heart to heart, mother and son talk. I am uncertain how to plan for that. Let my Heart guide me.

5) Read more stories to him. Or maybe create stories for him to learn about strength, love and positivity.

6) Let him play more of musical instruments.

Come what may next week. 

Both mummy and son ready for you! 

Patrick getting ready!

This mama strengthening up for the challenge!


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