I'm Still Standing
"I'm still standing...yeah, yeah, yeahhh..."
"I'm still standing..."
His high chirpy voice reaches my ears as Patrick swayed his body slightly while singing. Eyes sparkling, his body wriggling like a worm moving on the ground. His lips parted in a smile while he kept on going "I'm still standing."
It is the latest song he likes. His favourite songs can be seasonal. At one time it was Baa Baa Black Sheep. Then another phase he had was Five Little Monkeys. Another time it was Humpty Dumpty.
It is cute seeing him in this state; full of excitement, wonder of Life. Sometimes he can spontaneously laughed or dance on the spot if he hears any song he likes.
Today it has been 7 months since his liver transplant last year. Eileyn has observed the big changes in Patrick before and after the transplant in her recent blog post. Her blog also made me reflect on this young child who is suffering from liver failure. He is two years old named Abdi. The doctors have assessed him to have 6 months to live. His life supported on medication.
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Abdi ( photo taken from Suzanne Ling's Facebook post) |
His case has been highlighted by prominent Malaysian humanitarians such as Dr Hartini Zainuddin of Yayasan Chow Kit, Syed Azmi and Suzanne Ling of PichaEats.
I have a few friends who highlighted his case to me by giving the Facebook posts.
Seeing him in photos and video made me reflect on my journey with Patrick; when we have to rush for time, hoping and praying we have enough time to do the liver transplant. It was emotional, stressful and an intense experience for any parents to go through. I empathize with Abdi's parents.
I am touched by Suzanne Ling's heartfelt appeal to save this young's boy life. This made me reflect on the many humanitarians among my family members, my in laws, my friends and strangers who step forward to help to save Patrick's life. By sharing in social media, Whatsapp and more. We feel moved and emotional by the help given to us unconditionally. We were so thankful and grateful for the fast manner the fundraising had been for Patrick.
Our thank you video to humanitarians who
contributed to save our son's life
Time is ticking for Abdi now. Like it had been before for Patrick. Please in the goodness of your Heart to pray for him, to have enough time. For the fundraising to reach its target. For his parents continuously to be strong to face this challenging experience with their son, Abdi. If you have some cash to spare, please contribute any amount. Each will contribute to save his life.
He may be young. He deserve to have a second chance at life.
Abdi, I have yet to meet you in person. I have observed you in photos and videos taken by the people whose heartfelt words try to save your life.
We are standing with you now, Abdi. We are trying our best help you to beat the clock so that to have sufficient time for you to have that life saving surgery. The funds raised are also for medications and treatment to manage his disease. I hope arrangements to do the liver transplant can be arranged as soon as possible.
May God bless you on your journey, Abdi.
You can make a donation to https://www.simplygiving.com/life-saving-surgery-for-2-year…
Alternatively, if you prefer bank transfer, please bank in your donation below:
Swift code: MBBEMYKL
email address: puakpayong@gmail.com
Reference: ABDI
For ( Malaysians only) tax exemption, please deposit the money and send in details here:
Yayasan Chow Kit
CIMB Bank Berhad
Swift code: CIBBMYKL
Please email personal details to admin@yck.org.my
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