Values for a Meaningful Life

Values and positive thinking bring benefit in various facers of life. We can then establish a society where people respect one another, believe in non-violence and everybody enjoys economic prosperity.

The task of transforming society starts at the individual and family level. If each of us takes a vow to eschew negative tendencies in our practical life, then we will certainly be succeed in not hurting any person through harsh speech or action, however great the provocation may be. Otherwise, we become victim of circumstances and then undergo sorrow and pain ourselves.

Therefore, it is better to change now before time forces us to change.

Only a spiritually empowered nation can withstand the changes that are taking place all over the world. Hence, it is the dire need of the present time to re-discover our inner powers and lay the foundation of a value-based society.

Though there has been considerable material progress and people are busy accumulating wealth, there is a sense of discontentment and unhappiness everywhere. People today go for laughter therapy because they have forgotten how to laugh. If we give values such as peace, love, respect and humility their right place in our lives, we can lead a meaningful life.

Extracted from 'Self Empowerment' by Bridget Menezes (Malaysian author)


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