Attending A Toastmasters Meeting

I read the message again. My mind contemplated on whether I should attend. I was a member of Toastmasters International for over 10 years before my accident in 15 th April 2016. I have fond memories of my club, Bayan Baru Toastmasters Club. It is a public speaking club, to improved communication and leadership skills. A senior member has invited me to attend as a guest. When I was at the burn ward, I remembered telling a member that I will only return when I can walk by myself into the meeting room. It has been 3 years since the explosion and I can walk again. Looks like it is about time for me to make my appearance. I wanted company, I asked another ex-member whether she wanted to attend. She agreed and on the said day, picked me up from my home. As we entered through the door of the meeting room, the Registrar of the day greeted us. Someone whom I have not met before. The room still looks the sa...