Around The World Seeking Roti Canai And Teh Tarik

Food in Australia can be one of the most expensive items in your budget. I however, simply had to indulge my food whims regardless of the fact that things are three times more expensive there.
       I can easily be lured into sampling any food I set my eyes on. It's like each bite into the food tells us something about the people's culture and identity.
       So when I travel for short while, I can survive without rice or other Malaysian delicacies and put aside my true Malaysian appetite for days simply because I would have a wonderful variety of food to make up for it. Unfortunately, my other half can't possibly live without Malaysian food no matter where we go.
       During our recent trip to Australia, while I was eagerly trying to discover and sample their fabulous seafood dishes and exotic desserts varieties, my other half was whining about his intense craving for a simple (yet not simple in the land down under though) meal of roti canai and teh tarik.
       Being a 'good' wife (I will surely get my way if I help him accomplish his roti canai mission) I finally agreed to embark on our search that seemed endless and arduous. When we finally made to the familiar surrounding where you can actually see a person throwing and tossing the roti dough, I blew a sigh of relief I'm pretty sure all 5 tables around us could hear.
       And what better way to end this true Malaysian meal than with a "durian pannacotta" (which somehow managed to soothe my heel-pain). But the best part was to see a face beaming with a smile...undoubtedly satisfied (or perhaps feeling satiated after eating 2 pieces of roti and a tall glass of frothy teh tarik). 
       And of course, I had my reward for being such a good sport - loads of sinfully delicious desserts the following days!

       The lesson I learned: Never travel in a group of people with true Malaysian appetite! 


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