Chevening Writers Series


           The first time I saw the poster, I asked myself whether I should apply. Writing fiction isn’t exactly what I do. Also, with the Covid-19 pandemic going around, is taking part in a workshop with others a good idea?

 However, as I am writing my memoir, I thought it would be fun to apply and just see where it would take me. Besides, there are not many writing workshops in Penang which are fully sponsored for beginners. It might also be a good opportunity for me to meet up with other writers.  

I submitted my one and only fiction. I wrote it in 2018 whilst I was bored staying at home. If I am not mistaken, I was still recovering from one of my surgeries at that time. 

On the 5th October 2020, as I opened an email from Nutmag:-

Thank you for your application to the Chevening Writers Series. I am delighted to confirm your place for the full series, Fiction Track.        

            Yay! I made it!

On the first day of attendance, I was happy that the Standard Operating Procedure for Covid-19 was strictly enforced at the hotel. Everyone was wearing a mask and keeping their distance. For the participants from other states under Conditional Movement Control Order, they join the session online.

So far, it has been three Saturdays, I am already halfway through the workshop. I would say that the organisers have conducted the workshop well. There are even experience mentors to guide us through if we have questions.

I am grateful for this opportunity to be able to learn from others and also write. Even though I feel my writing is not up to par for fiction yet, it is always good to try something different and get the creative juice flowing.

I do not know where this would lead me, but as long as I am open-minded and willing to learn, I think I will be fine.



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