Ready Aim Fire vs Ready Aim Ready Aim vs Ready Fire Aim

Following on my post below "Ready Aim Fire", I would like to discuss the above categories of approaches towards acting on one's project. 

      Sam (below) has now started researching ideas for his cooking school project. Yaye! He is really excited and looks forward to the launch of his cooking school. 

      Fast forward another 10 years. Sam is still planning his cooking school project! Sam has so unfortunately fallen into the category of people who think that they are taking the Ready Aim Fire approach but instead are really taking the Ready Aim Ready Aim approach. Let's discuss the differences. 

      Ready Aim Fire: this means that you are quick to seize on the opportunities that come your way. But you don't just seize them blindly.
     Once you see an opportunity, you get ready by doing market research and studying your competition, you aim by planning and conceptualising your project and then you fire by launching your project eventually.
      You may not always succeed as life is just oh-so-unpredictable. But your chances of succeeding are definitely higher than a person like Sam who is always in the Ready Aim Ready Aim mode. What does this mean? 

       Ready Aim Ready Aim: you act on the opportunities that come your way. But you don't just seize them blindly. Once you see an opportunity, you get ready by doing market research and studying your competition, you aim by planning and conceptualising your project and then you go back to doing MORE RESEARCH and then you do MORE PLANNING AND CONCEPTUALISING.
       You never fire and launch your project. You are always stuck in the researching and planning mode! If this is what you are doing, you will never be able to make your idea a reality. Thus, when you have done your fair share of research and done enough planning, you should just go ahead and launch your project.
        You will never be able to do all the research and planning that you ever need to launch your project. Nothing is ever perfect. You just need to research and plan good enough. And then implement your idea. You will make mistakes along the way.
        You can then tweak your plan to avoid making the same mistakes. 
        However, please remember that you have to do your fair share of research and planning before you act on your idea.

        Don't slip into the Ready Fire Aim mode. This means that you seize an opportunity and act on it even before you do research and plan to assess if it is a viable opportunity. 
        You can't just get READY AND FIRE AIMLESSLY! You need to have a plan. You need to have a system in place! If not, it will be very hard to succeed because you will just be like a chicken running around without its head.

        Your ideas will be all over the place and it will be very hard to succeed even though you have acted on your ideas. You need A PLAN! 

        Get into your Ready Aim Fire mode today! And let me know how your projects go :) 


