
Showing posts from December, 2019

Reflections And Coming Of New Year

Last day of 2019 have arrived. Much have happened in my life; mentally, emotionally, physically, in my relationships especially in my family. I have been in reflective mode since Christmas Day. Moments which awakens me to the best of humanity. Moments that were worrisome when Patrick appearing to have symptoms which at first were not positive during his new liver transitioning stage. I finally took part in a workshop that unleash the creative expression in me after a long absence from experiencing and experimenting with the creative side of me. On the month of November and December 2019, an NGO invited me to  conduct doll-making workshops  whose major work involved hospital patients and sickly children. I have amazing encounters  and moments with Nature’s creatures.  My first witness of the birth of a ladybird coming  out from its cocoon.  This  happened in my garden.  Ladybird interacting with me after I off...

From Nothing To Something

For a long time, I preferred certainty. To have precise plans. I know what I want for myself for the day. I make my choice for lunch before the actual lunch hour. I know where I am going in my life. What I want for myself. I know my likes and dislikes. I want to be in control of my life and my emotions. If I became emotional due stresses of life circumstances, I usually be hard on myself by saying these words to myself, "enough is enough. Time to stop this. Don't complain. Move forward." And onward I go, believing this was the way to be without processing my emotions especially if I considered them to be of negativity and unproductive. And happens. In time I learned no matter how planned I try to make my life to be, something plan may end up nothing. And nothing planned may end up to something. Let me give you an example. Look at the doll below. Olaf doll I made in early December 2019 I made this doll out of socks. If you tell me in my 20s and 30...

Seeing Hearts

The moon, stars and clouds accompanied our usual night walks. Occasionally we get to see neighbours walking on the streets. There would be a few who walked their dogs.  A couple always brisked walking at night. When they see us, they would say hello with a wave of their hands. Patrick would respond with an enthusiastic "hi!". I would point out the trees, bushes and flowers on the side of the road to Patrick.  I would take this opportunity to teach him what they are. He would sometimes observed with interest. Occasionally he wished to touch them. Mother and son walking on the streets  On the night of 8 December 2019, something else accompanied us. Something different. "What is that?" My finger pointed on the road. On a wet patch on the road. Earlier it had rained.  Patrick's eyes stared steadily. "Heart".    Patrick identifying Heart on the road. Before that Heart shape on the ground, I was pondering on the earlier...

Healing Through Nature

          Just recently, I was thinking of what I can do with all the pictures I have taken of my garden through my mobiIe phone.  Life has a strange way of giving inspiration at the right time. It so happened I was reading a book on writing poetry. One of the suggestions given is to look at a picture and write something about it. Thus, that started my journey of composing my thoughts and short motivational quotes to accompany the photos. Personally, I feel nature has helped in my rejuvenation and healing process.    As a burn survivor, I remember being cooped up for a long time at the burn ward, recovering slowly from burns. Indeed a depressing time. Sitting on a wheelchair for the first time, my sister informed me of a small patch of garden near the hospital. I was excited as she wheeled me out from the burn ward.  Breathing the warm fresh air and looking at the greenery, they gave me...